Wednesday, November 26, 2014

CSS/PMS (How to attempt Compulsory Subjects)


1. By choosing to be examined for a grade-17 post, you enter into a psychological warfare.
2. 50% CSS is done on day-1
3. Wicket to wicket bowling on day-1
4. Strong nerves are required for later-day papers
5. Essay and English are not generally scoring but Islamiat and Everyday Science are highly
scoring subjects
6. Enter the examination hall with a positive frame of mind
7. Always revise
8. TIME MANAGEMENT IS MOST IMPORTANT. CSS is just a 35-minute game.
9. Always try to pose a difference
10. Your handwriting matters a lot. Both in speed and clarity.

English Compulsory

Sequence of attempt:
(i) Pair of words – 15 min
(ii) Idiomatic phrases – 15 min
(iii) Paragraph – 30 min; 1 or 1.5 pages
No introduction, No background,
Start writing directly and deal as a part,
This is NOT a short essay
Revise as soon as you finish it
Revise TWICE at the end
(iv) Précis – 40 min
(v) Composition – 40 min

Reserve last 10 minutes for revision

NO over-attempt please
No cutting or erasing

(i) Selection of a suitable topic lessens 40% burden
(ii) Mind your command not the standard
(iii) Try bifurcating your essay
(iv) Start every paragraph with conspicuous word by giving it a different color but NO CAPS and NO change of font.
(v) You do not go to score in Essay and English
(vi) Choose a risk free essay
(vii) Maximum 10 to 12 pages, little but beautiful
(viii) Always revise
(ix) Use terms relative to the subject of the essay
(x) Exercise
- Mark one essay in each of the previous papers
- Write an essay on any one of the topics
- This is the gauge of your potential

Pakistan Affairs

(i) Usually not a scoring subject
(ii) Comprehend your question Find key words in every question
(iii) Break and bifurcate (3-4 pages for each question)
(iv) No monotonous backgrounds
(v) Start with a quotation
(vi) Pose a difference
(vii) Give headings
(viii) Your gauge is how confident and aggressive you are
(ix) Attempt with a positive frame of mind
(x) Creative ability counts a lot

Big mistakes done with Pakistan Affairs paper
- Routine attempt
- Over writing
- No Pakistanism or patriotism shown
- No Jinnahism (here try to memorize some of his quotes)
- Pessimism

Current Affairs

(i) Draw an outline of your question
(ii) Give facts and figures about the question
(iii) Start with background, analyze problem, give present scenario, prospects & give conclusion
(iv) Avoid controversial questions
(v) Use current affairs key words

Everyday Science

(i) Your first preference should be the objective type questions
(ii) While solving any of the subjective type questions, always draw figures
(iii) You can score 90/100 marks


(i) Start with Bismillah
(ii) Your approach should be that of a modern forward thinking Muslim
(iii) Give references of Quranic verses and Ahadith
(iv) Put English quotes
(v) You can even score 80/100 marks

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