Tuesday, November 25, 2014

GK Important Information ( Set # 7 )


-Earth is ---- closet plant to the Sun       [3rd]
-The diameter of Earth is --                     [12, 756 km]
-The circumference of Earth is               [40, 000 km]
-Earth is the largest of ---- planet           [Terrestrial]
-The Earth is more closer to Sun in month     [January]
-The light reached at the Earth from Sun in   [8 mint, 15 sec][495 sec]
-The orbit period of Earth is   [384.25 days]
-The average distance of Earth from Sun is   [149.6 Millions km]
-The rotation speed of Earth is     [1670 km/h]
-Longest day of the earth is --- of every year    [June 22 North & Dec 22 South]
-Smallest day of the earth is --- of every year    [Dec 21 North & June 21 South]
-the revolution speed of earth is    [1, 07,200 km/h] [29.78 km/sec.]
-Jupiter is --- planet of our Solar System                  [Largest]                                                        
-Jupiter has ---- of moon                                             [63][Largest Number of Moons]
- Jupiter has the atmosphere of --- of Hydrogen & Helium       [Clouds]
-Saturn is ---- largest plant                       [2nd]
-Saturn‘s special feature like rings of     [Saturn around it]
-Saturn has ----moons                               [62]
-The Earth had only one moon, called                   [Luna]
-Mercury is 2nd smallest Planet it is ------to Sun   [Closest]
-Mercury have no atmosphere, it has ---moons   [no]
-Mercury size is same as the ----- of Earth             [Moon]
-Mercury has the --- revolution period around the Sun   [shortest]
-Venus is called ---- in size & shape               [Earth‘s Twin]
-Venus is ----- planet of our Solar System     [Brightest]
-Venus has --- moons                                       [No] 
-Venus is ------ to Earth                                    [Closest]
-Mars is also called                                           [Red Planet]
-Mars has two moons 1st is Phobos , 2nd is  [Deimos]
-Mars is a barren desert covered with         [Red Dust]
-Uranus has mostly --- atmosphere              [Hydrogen & Helium]
-Uranus has --- moons                                    [27]
-Neptune is ----- Uranus                                  [Similar]
-Neptune has --- moons                                  [13]
-Neptune is --- planet in our Solar System   [Coldest]
-Neptune has the --- revolution period around the Sun   [Longest]
-Pluto is ---- planet of our Solar System  [Smallest]
-Pluto is --- dwarf Planet                            [1st]
-Pluto has --- moons                                   [4]
-Human body contain ---- of Water                          [two-Third][66%]
-A person need to drink --- liters of water daily     [2-3]
-Muscles contain ---- % of Water    [75%]
-Brain contain ---- % of Water         [80 -90%]
-Bones contain ---- % of Water       [20%]
-Blood contain ---- % of Water       [78%]
-Carbohydrates are rapid & key source of          [Energy]
-Carbohydrates provides 4 calories of energy   [per gram]
-Proteins are essential to growth and repair muscles & other body   [Tissues]
-Proteins are not direct source of ----          [Energy]
-Proteins are chains of                                    [Polymers]
-Proteins are made of monomers called     [Amino Acids]
-There are 22 Amino Acids in nature where --- are present in our cell   [20]
-Amino acids which are essential & cannot synthesized are                     [9]
-Amino acids which are non-essential & capable of synthesizing are     [11]
-The type of Proteins which contain only Amino Acids called                  [Simple Proteins]
-The type of Proteins which form connective tissues, bones, cartilage & gelatin, called    [Collagen]
-The type of Proteins which formed hair, nails, hooves, horn & feathers, called                [Keratin]
-The unit of energy is              [Joule]
-Fat provides ---- of energy    [Back-up]
-Lack of fat may cause            [Hair Fall]
-Lipids are ---- at room temperature        [solid]
- Lipids are mainly obtained from             [Animal Sources]
-Lipids reduce in ---- reactions in body    [Metabolic]
-Vitamin A is essential to proper functioning of      [Retina of Eye]
-Lack of Vitamin A may cause of            [Blindness]
-Lack of Vitamin B may cause of            [Beriberi]  
-Types of Vitamin B are                           [B1-B12]
-Lack of Vitamin C may cause of            [Scurvy]
-Which vitamins not stored in human body?   [C]
-Vitamin D is made by --- in body          [Sun Light]
-Lack of Vitamin D may cause of            [Bones Effects, Rickets] 
-Almost all Enzymes are --- in nature    [Proteins]
-The Father of modern science fiction is [H G Nells] 
-Time required for a computer to locate & access data is called  [Access Time]
-Leo Szilard realized the concept of nuclear chain reaction and invented the atomic bomb at   [1933] 
-Ernest Rutherford is considered the Father of         [Nuclear Physics]
-The founder of Apple Company was                           [Steve Jobs]
-The branch of science which deal with the study of universe is called     [Cosmology]
-Galaxies can have three shapes 1st is Spiral & 2nd is Elliptical 3rd is            [Irregular]
-Our Galaxy is spiral in shape and called         [Milky Way Galaxy]
-The Sun is not in center in ----- Galaxy           [Milky Way]
-Shape of our solar system is                             [Elliptical][Like an egg]
-The largest object of our Solar System is Sun which contain ---- % mass   [More than 99%]
-In Galaxy ----- stars tend to be younger because they burn furiously         [Blue stars]    
-The Blue Stars burn their fuel in fast rate & live only                   [A few Tens of Millions Years] 
-In Galaxy ----- stars usually older & they burn at slow rate         [Red Stars]     
-The Red Stars burn their fuel at slower rate & live for                 [Billions of Years] 
-There are three types of rocks 1st is igneous, 2nd is Sedimentary & 3rd is          [Metamorphic]
 -The rocks are formed by molten magma called                                                    [igneous rocks]
-when pre-existing rocks undergoes mineralogical & structural changes due to high temperature & pressure, they convert in                                                                  [Metamorphic Rocks]
-When layers of sand & mud accumulate, they formed              [Sedimentary Rocks]
-Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by             [Alexander Fleming]
-The mass of adult human‘s brain is about   [1.3kg]
 -Human `s heart has --- chambers                  [4]
-The sum of all reactions occurs in the cell are called   [Metabolism]
-The food contain high level of simple sugar & fats but lack in Vitamins called     [Junk Food]
-When two or more molecule has same chemical formula but different structural formula or arrangement, they are called    [isomerism]
-Shape of heart is                        [Conical]
-Air blow due to                           [Atmospheric Pressure]
-The most abundant metal in Earth `s surface is             [Silicon]
-The Malaria is spread by mosquitoes, discovered by   [Jeans Jacques Rousseau]
-The cause of Tuberculosis (T.B) is                   [Bacteria]
-The speed of wind is measure by                    [Anemometer]
-The gas which is cause of Global Warming    [Carbon Di Oxide]
-The world tallest trees are   [Redwood]
-One Barrel is equal       [24 Gallons][159 Liters]
-Octopus have 8 arms, 9 brains, its blood colour is   [Blue]
-1st game played at moon was   [Golf]
-Camel can live without drinking water   [17 Days]
-Frog can breathe from mouth as well as   [Skin]
-The colour of sky from moon will looked    [Black]
-Relfelshea is world largest flower; its weight can be   [8kg]
-Threes shine in darkness exist in   [Turkey]
-Pythagoras, geometrician bel0onged to   [Greece]
-The deepest point in Pacific Ocean is        [Mariana Trench]
-The special theory of relativity was proposed by   [Albert Einstein]
-Motion laws were proposed by     [Issac Newton]  
-The law of gravitation was proposed by   [Issac Newton]  
-Law of Heredity was discovered by   [Mendel]
-In human body insulin is produce by   [Pancreas]

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