Tuesday, November 25, 2014

GK Important Information ( Set # 9 )


-USA tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at            [July 16, 1945, code name was “The Gadget”]
-RUSSIA tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at      [August 29, 1949, code name was “First Lightning”]
-UK tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at              [October 03, 1952]
-France tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at       [February 13, 1960]
-China tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at         [October 16, 1964]
-India tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at          [May 18, 1974, code name was “Operation Smiling Buddha”]
-India tested its 2nd Atomic Bomb at         [May 11, 13, 1998, code name was “Operation Shakti”]
-Pakistan tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at          [May 28, 29, 1998]
-North Korea tested its 1st Atomic Bomb at   [October 9, 2006]
-North Korea tested its 2nd Atomic Bomb at   [May 25, 2009]
-North Korea tested its 3rd Atomic Bomb at    [February 12, 2013]
-USA blast 1st nuclear bomb at Hiroshima at August 6, 1945, code name of this bomb was   [Little Boy]
-USA blast 2nd nuclear bomb at Nagasaki at August 9, 1945, code name of this bomb was     [Fat Boy]
-Germany will shut down its all nuclear reactors till     [2025]
-General Assembly of UNO adopted Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) at [Sep 10, 1996]
-Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) adopted at   [July 1, 1968]  

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