1. The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest___?
1. The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest___?
(a) Along the equator
(b)along the topic of cancer
(c)along the arctic circle (d)at
the north pole.
2. Flash Point term is related with the
(a) study of water (b)
Study of Rocks (c) Study of Climate (d) study of Dew drops
3. About 50%of the world population is concentrated between the
latitudes of____?
(a)5 N and 20 N (b)20 N and 40 N (c)40 N and 60 N (d)20 S and 40
4. The time at any point on the earth’s surface calculated when
the sun reaches its highest
position in the Sky is known as___?
(a)local time (b)sidereal time (c)solar time (d)standard time.
5. what will be the time at a place situated at 70 W when it
is 4 p.m. at a place situated at 35E__?
(a)5 p. m (b)8 p.m. (c)11 a.m.(d)9 a.m.
6. When the local time is 12.00 noon and the time at Greenland
Meridian is 8.00 a.m. The local longitude is _____?
(a)60 east (b)60 west (c)45 west (d)45 east.
7. How many countries are land locked countries in the world ____?
(a) 34 (b) 36 (c) 40 (d) 44.
8. In the troposphere the normal lapse rate i.e., the decrease in
temperature with height is of theorder of ______?
(a)1 C for 155 meters (b)1 C for 160 meters (c)1 C for 165 meters
(d)1 C for 170 meters.
9. A land locked country in Africa is___________?
(a)Zambia (b)Tanzania (c)Nigeria (d)Somalia.
10. In which one of the following positions does the earth revolve
at a faster rate around thesun_________?
(a) Summer solstice (b) winter solicits (c) autumnal equinox (d)
vernal equinox.
11. If a magnetic needle is freely suspended at the geographic
north pole_________________?
(A)the needle will remain vertical with its N-pole downward
(B)the needle will remain almostvertical with its N-pole
(C)the needle will remain vertical with its S-poledownward
(d)the needle will remain almost vertical with its S-pole
12.South pole is located in the continent of ____?
(a)Africa (b)Australia (c)Asia (d)Antarctica
13. Which mountain system lies between the black sea and Caspian
(A)Appalachians (B) Caucasus (C) Pyrenees (d) atlas.
14. The atmosphere pressure at any place is measured by___?
(a) Altimeter (b) pressure meter (C) Pyrenees (D) thermometer.
15.Which of these cities once served as the capital of
(A) Kobe (B) Kyoto (C) Okinawa (D) sendia.
16. Which peninsula lies between the black sea and sea of Azov
(A)Crimean (B) Iberian (C) Kamchatka (D) Yucatan
17. On the bank of which river is the city of London located_____?
(a)Seven (B) Thames (c) Avon (D) number.
18. Which among the following trees is considered the tallest in
the word?
(A) Cedar (B) redwood (C) eucalyptus (D)date palm.
19. Which country was earlier known as siam______?
(A) Indonesia (B) Somalia (C)Thailand (D)Myanmar
20. which is the largest country in the Arabian peninsula ____?
(A)Oman (B)Yemen (c) Saudi Arabia (D) Kuwait.
21. Kosovo is now independent country, before its independence it
was part of ______?
(A) Yugoslavia (B) Albania (C) Romania (D) Bulgaria
22. which of these cloud forms in found at the highest
(A)Billow (B) Nacreous (C) Noctilucent (D) Pile us.
23. Thickness of atmosphere around the earth is _____?
(A) 100 km (B) 130 km (C) 145 km (D) 195 km.
24. Atmosphere around the earth maintains its _____?
(A) Temperature (B) pressure (C) density (D) shape
25. The layers of atmosphere are divided in to____?
(A) Two parts (B) 3 parts (C) 4 parts (D) 5 parts.
26. Above the earth’s surface troposphere extends to a height
(A) 08 km (B) 12 km (C) 15 km (D) 20 km .
27. Which next layer is above the troposphere ___?
(A) Mesosphere (B) stratosphere (C) thermosphere (D) space
28. The mesosphere extended above the earth’s surface is up to
(A) 60 km (B) 65 km (C) 80 km (D) 85 km .
29. Which one of the following phenomena occurs when water vapor
condenses around a particle of smoke____?
(A) Fog (B) hail (C) mist (D) smog
30. Canola refers to special type of oil seed mustard bred
for human consumption. The maincharacteristic of these varieties is that
the ____?
(A) Seeds have very high oil content (B) oil is rich in
unsaturated fatty acids
(C) Oil has long shelf-life (D) oil has very low Erucic
acid content.
31. Lines joining places of the same earthquake intensity are
known as __?
(A) Isohyets (B) isohels (C) Isoseismal lines (D) isohalines
32. Which one of the following lakes forms an international
boundary between Tanzania andUganda _____?
(A) Chad (B) Malawi (C) Victoria (D) Zambezi
33.Which of the following countries has highest percentage of land
under cultivation__?
(A) U.S.A. (B) India (C) China (D) Canada
34. On the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere
the length of day time on theAntarctic Circle is _____?
(A) 12 hours (B) 24 hours (C) Zero hours (D) 6 hours
35. Rows of trees grown along the coastal areas to reduce the
impact of cyclones are knownas_____?
(A) Wind breaks (B) protection (C) mangroves (D) shelter belts
36. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable
for cropping ___?
(A)Alkaline(B)acidic(C)waterlogged(D)soil with excessive clay
37.Which one of the following is a metamorphic rock ______?
(A) Granite (B) basalt (C) marble (C) sandstone
38. According to Simon Winchester’s book, tectonic are there in the
earth _____?
(A) 15 (B) 29 (C) 36 (D) 32
39.All the following are planetary winds except ______?
(A)Trade winds(B)the westerly’s(C) polar winds (d) the monsoon
40. Which one of the following parts of clod deserts
and continents is correctly matched ___?
(A) Atacama …..South America (B)Gobi……Asia (C)Kalahari….. Africa
(D)great sandy ….Australia
41.The production of rubber tree is better adopted to areas where
the climate is ?
(A)Warm and humid (B)warm and dry (C)cool and moist (D)cool
and dry
42.Gulf streams are caused by _______?
(A)Cyclone(B)temperature(C)ocean pressure(D)difference in water
43. All vital atmospheric process leading to various climatic
& weather conditions take place in the? (A) troposphere (B) ionosphere (C)
exosphere (D) stratosphere
44. The minimum land area recommended for forest cover to
maintain proper ecological balanceis? (A) 25% (B) 33% (C) 43 % (D) 53%
45. Which one of the following scholars suggested the earth’s
origin from gases and just particles __________?
(A) James jeans (B) H.Alfven (C) f. Hoyle (D) O.Schmidt.
46. The theory that refers to an explosion about 10 to 15 billion
years ago which mostastronomers believe to be the origin of the universe
is called ______?
(A)The red shift theory (B)Relativity theory (C)Big bang theory
(D)Titanic theory
47. Black holes are stellar object which___________?
(A) Emit black body radiation (B) have weak gravitational
(C) have intense
gravitationalfield (D) have intense magnetic field
48. Select the stranger in the group_______________?
(A) Cartograms (B) multiple bars (C) weather maps (D) pie diagrams
49. The soil which cracks and shrinks most as it dries
(A) Clayey soil (B) porous soil (C) sandy soil (C) loamy soil
50. East Timor is now independent country, before independence it
was part of _?
(A) Taiwan (B) Malaysia (C) Thailand (D) Indonesia
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. C
27. B
28. D
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. B
34. C
35. C
36. A
37. C
38. C
39. D
40. B
41. A
42. C
43. A
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. C
48. C
49. A
50. D
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