Friday, November 21, 2014

GK Test_03

1. who is Chinese ambassador in pakistan (2014)
(A) Liu Jian  (B) Xi Jinping (C) Liu Shaoqi (D) Hu Jintao
2. who is US ambassador in Pakistan (2014)
3. which of the following sequence represents correctly the different atmospheric layers from
the earth’s surface __________?
 (A) Stratosphere ‘troposphere, ionosphere, tropopause 
 (B) Ionosphere tropopause Troposphere stratosphere
(C) Troposphere tropopause stratosphere ionosphere        
(D) Stratosphere Troposphere ionosphere tropopause.
4. Days and nights are of equal duration on March 21 at ________?
(A) The tropic of cancer alone            (B) the tropic of equator alone
(C) the tropic of Capricorn alone       (D) All parallel of latitude
5. Which of the following in the most porous rock ________?
(A) Basalt     (B) granite     (C) sandstone     (D) slate
6. Weathering is ________?
(A) Breakdown or disintegration of rocks                            (B) Formation of soil by fine sand particles
(C) breaking of the surface of land by flowing water         (D) wearing down of rock surface.
7. Which type of plants are adapted to grow under drought conditions _____________?
(A) Pteridophytes       (B) xerophytes       (C) tropophytes     (D) hygrophytes
8. Which of the following is the oldest rock __________?
(A) Quartzite        (B) Ordovician       (C) Carbonatities     (D) Cambrian.
9. Which of the following pairs is correct _________?
(A) Baghdad ——– Tigris      (B) Bonn ——— - Danube       (C) Rome ——– Seine    (D) Paris ——– Tiber 
10. The leading producer of silver is _____________?
(A) U.S.A       (B) Russia        (C) Mexico      (D) South Africa.
11. The highest glade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value is____?
(A) lignite      (B) peat          (C) bituminous       (D) anthracite.
12. If a place is located at 20 N , 80 E in which of the following continents does it lie _____?
(A) Africa       (B) Asia        (C) Europe      (D) North America
13. Which of the following is the region of winter rainfall _____________?
(A) Mediterranean      (B) Tropical      (C) Arctic      (D) Monsoon
14. Which of the following is a great circle_________?
(A) The arctic circle   (B) the tropic of cancer      (C) the equator      (D) the tropic of Capricorn
15. Availability of ample water is one of the important considerations in the location of ____?
(A) Cotton textile industry (B) paper industry (C) electronic industry (D) automobile industry
16. Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is ______________?
(A) Alluvial soil (B) red soil (C) black soil (D) pod sols
17. Which of the following statements about ozone layer is correct __________?
(A) it converts UV radiations in to electrical energy
(B) it protects the earth’s life forms by preventing the damaging UV
(C) it is of uniform thickness                  (D) none of the above
18. High tides at antipodes are caused due to _________?
(A) Gravitational pull of the moon and the sun                (B) Gravitational pull of the sun
(C) Centrifugal,centripetal and gravitational pull of the sun 
(D) Centrifugal, centripetal and gravitational pull of the sun and the moon.
19. Which of the following types of rainfall is typical of equatorial regions _____________?
(A) Convectional           (B) Orographic        (C) Cyclonic        (D) None of these.
20. Change in season is caused due to ____________?
(A) Revolution of earth       (B) rotation of earth      (C) inclination of earth     (D) none of these
21. Winds generally blow from areas of ___________?
(A) Low pressure to that of high pressure (B) high pressure to that of low pressure
(C) high pressure to that of moderate pressure (D) low pressure to that of moderate pressure .
22. Which of the following soils is best suited for deep rooted crops___________?
(A) Red soil (B) Black soil (C) Laterite soil (D) alluvial soil
23 .The imaginary line on the earth’s surface which closely follow the 180 meridian is called____?
(A) International date line (B) tropic of cancer (C) equator (D) prime meridian
24. Which of the following countries has largest area in the world ___________?
(A) Canada (B) China (C) U.S.A (D) Russia
25. Which of the following climate types is said to be characterized by three Eighties: 80 F of temperature, 80 per cent of humidity and 80 inches of rainfall____________?
(A) Monsoon climate (B) Equatorial climate (C) Mediterranean climate (D) temperate climate
26 .When it is 8 p. m. in Tokyo what is the time at Panama canal which is located at 180 W of it ___?
(A) 4.00 p.m. (B) 8.00 a.m. (C) 12.00 a.m. (D) 12.00 noon
27. Evergreen forests are found ______________?
(A) In the estuaries of great rivers                       (B) in the Himalayas above 3,000 ft. elevation
(C) where therainfall is between 30 and 40       (D) where the rain fall is between 80 and 120
28. Which of the following is a kharif crop ______________?
(A) Wheat (B) Rice (C) Gram (D) mustard
29. Hail storm occurs in summer season due to the formation of clouds called ________?
(A) Cirrus (B) cumulus (C) cumulonimbus (D) cirrocumulus
30. The seasonal reversal of winds is a phenomenon noticed in ______________?
(A) Monsoon climate (B) equatorial climate (C) Mediterranean climate (D) high lands
31. Roaring forties are ___________?
(A) cyclonic westerly winds is northern hemisphere      (B) spring tides
(C) ocean current in northern hemisphere             (D) steady north westerly anti-trade winds in southern hemisphere
32. Humidity in the air is maximum in ____________?
(A) winter (B) summer (C) monsoon (D) autumn
33. Sandstones belong to ______________?
(A) Argillaceous rocks (B) calcareous rocks (C) carbonaceous rocks (D) Arenaceous rocks
34. The lunar eclipse occurs when ___________?
(A) Moon is between the earth and sun          
 (B) Earth is between the sun and moon
(C) Sun is between the earth and the moon    
(D) Earth is at right angles to the direction of the sun and themoon
35. The high yielding varieties of crops possess which of the following characters____?
1. Ability to trap more solar energy          2. Ability to utilize more nutrients
3. High harvest index                                   4. Ability to use less water 
(A) 1,2 and 4 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1,2 and 3 (D) 1 and 3
36. Contour is a measure of ___________?
(A) Topography (B) rainfall (C) temperature (D) pressure
37. Latitude is a measure of _____________?
(A) 0 (B) 30 (C) 60 (D) 90
38. There is a seven difference in the climates of northern and southern hemispheres.Why_________?
(A) due to rotation of earth around its axis    (B) Due to revolution of earth around the sun on itsorbit
(C) both of the above                                          (D) none of the above
39. The area associated with the greatest frequency of earthquakes is ____________?
(A) eastern coastal areas of Asia                     (B) northern coastal areas of Eurasia
(C) west coast of north andsouth America    (D) western coastal areas of Africa.
40. Cloud burst means ______________?
(A) Formation of artificial rain                          (B) Presence of scattered flakes of cloud in the sky
(C) Showing of seeds of a crop in a cloudy weather
(D) Abnormally heavy downpour of rain associated with athunderstorm.
41. Which one of the following is an ore of iron ______________?
(A) Bauxite (B) hematite (C) limonite (D) gypsum
42. Which one of the following is correct _____________?
(A) all longitudes are not great circles
(B) all longitudes and equator are great circles
(C) alllatitudes and Greenwich meridian are great circles
(D) all latitudes and longitudes are greatcircles
43. The rocks which are formed by direct cooling and solidification of magma are called______?
(A) Sedimentary rocks (B) Derivative rocks (C) Igneous rocks (D) Metamorphic rocks
44. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Mediterranean type of climate____?
(A) warm winters                                                               (B) cold and dry summers
(C) warm & dry summers and cold & windwinters     (D) warm & wet summers and cold & dry winters.
45.The shortest day in northern hemisphere is _________?
(A) 25 December (B) 22 December (C) 15 June (D) 22 June
46.The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approx _________?
(A) 5 per day (B) 2 per day (C) 1 per day (D) 3 per day
47. Vasco day game discovered the sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope in _____?
(A) 1494 (B) 1498 (C) 1502 (D) 1506
48. one degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of __________?
(A) 96 km    (B) 80 km      (C) 55 km       (D) 112 km
49. Which of the following countries has longest land frontiers ____________?
(A) Burma      (B) Russia       (C) China      (D) Laos.
50. Which of the following is not a Scandinavian country___________?
(A) Denmark     (B) Belgium     (C) Norway    (D) none of these       

1.  A
2.  B
3.  C
4.  D
5.  C
6.  A
7.  B
8.  B
9.  A
10.  C
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. B
26. B
27. D
28. B
29. C
30. A
31. D
32. C
33. D
34. B
35. C
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. C
40. D
41. B
42. B
43. C
44. C
45. B
46. C
47. B
48. D
49. C
50. B

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